
Showing posts from April, 2021

Kitchen Refresh Part 2

After deciding that stripping was not the way to go I needed to pick some paint colours. For the uppers, which were always going to be painted I decided on Benjamin Moore Tapestry Beige... This is one of the most used colours in my house... I have used it on my fireplace surround my Mora clock and current dining table for the breakfast bar I wasn't sure. I ended up ordering a colour match for Benjamin Moore's Water's Edge The colour I got was not even close, it seemed periwinkle... I had to make my own colour. It is still more blue then I would have liked, but I like it.  Do not mind the lightbulbs in my hanging macrame light fixture... I realized pretty early on in this process that while they are lovely edison bulbs are not conducive to a good lighting experience.  I am rounding the finish line on this project. Hopefully tomorrow I can post an update of the finished project ❤️

Kitchen refresh

So 3 children, 2 dogs and a cat later and our kitchen was hurting.  We moved into this house 11 years ago, our youngest Laken was 11, our oldest was 16... And we picked up a stray along the way, so for a few years we had 3 teenagers. Teenagers are hard on kitchens! I have a lot of nerve blaming the mess on the pets and teenagers, being a painter there is paint splatter everywhere.  We are not planning on staying here for much longer, our plan is to build on our property up north... Building supply costs may drag that out for a bit. So the easy quick fit answer is to do a refresh.  When I first set out my plan was to strip the lowers and leave them a light natural... This was a ton of work. John hated it! I secretly loved it, but decided to let him have this small win. When I started out with the original plan my time budget was 3 days... WRONG! I'm not sure if the change in the plans helped or hindered the timeline, howeve

RV 2021

Hello all! It is April 2021, several years since the RV remodel on a budget. I thought I would do an update for anyone who may be wondering how it has held up. The short answer is fabulous! Our trailer is kept on our property in very cold Canada. We can't even get to it in the winter. We also shut off all services when we are not there in the summer, so it experiences extreme cold and extreme hot. The walls... Perfect, not even a touch up needed, and I have to scrub them regularly. We have dogs and grown kids, plus we are out working in the dirt everyday.  The cabinets... Also perfect, aside from the initial finish fail on the underside of the cabinets when I pulled the tape off from painting the walls Things that did not hold up well are things I may have mentioned on the original blog but had not blogged about.  I painted the leather couch. Fail. It was awful, the couch literally disintegrated after that.  It was a beautiful new to me pull out